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Update 0.934 (January 14th 20:30:00 UTC)

-Major update, added a second section to the rugcheck. This second section uses the AI to give you more details about why the rug chance is what it is. This should help you significantly to better understand the why it might be a rug or not.
-As always with AI, it may sometimes give conflicting statements, but generally it's very accurate at explaining what to watch out for in each coin you submit.

Update 0.872 (January 12th, 01:25:00 UTC)

-Major overhaul of the background and visual branding
-Significant work done to the framework behind the scenes.
-Foundation has been successfully laid for significant upgrades.
-Reduced logo size so you don't have to scroll as far down the page to use the rugchecker, this should help phone users who are in a hurry.
-Added a "clear" button so you can more quickly replace a contract address without having to manually clear the text box. This should not only add quality of life, but save some time as well.

-Dev notes-

We have made huge engineering strides today. Several challenges and limitations have been overcome. Big upgrades happened that can't be seen yet in the rugchecker. We've basically laid the railroad tracks down for the next major updates to run on. We're very excited for the next upgrades to the rugcheck algorithms, AI integration, and overall experience.

As long as no more roadblocks arise, we're hoping to get a major update out either tonight, or sometime tomorrow with other changes upcoming afterwards. Stay tuned on X and in the TG for updates.

Update 0.857 (January 9th, 22:49:00 UTC)

-Added a dexscreener icon to the list of socials. After you check the coin, you can use the dexscreener icon to quickly navigate to the coin's dexscreener page.

Update 0.842 (January 9th, 05:58:00 UTC)

-Major update. Added social link scanning into the rug checking strategy.
-Social links will now show for every coin you check.
-Social links will attempt to link to the same links from the coin's meta data.
-Warnings will be displayed if the coin has any fake socials, this will save you time trying to figure this out for yourself.
-Bunny rug checker will show you which socials are fake, and which socials don't exist from the main three (twitter, telegram, website).
-Both fake socials, and missing socials have been added into the rug checking strategies. This should significantly further improve rug checking accuracy for all rugs where these characteristics apply.

Update 0.8 (January 8th, 08:35:00 UTC)

-Huge graphical overhaul. Low rug scores and higher rug scores trigger the new advanced animations.
-Fixed a critical bug. There was a very small chance that Raydium would fail to give data to Bunny, which caused Bunny to claim the CA was rug-safe no matter what. That error is now caught, and now if it happens it should tell the user to retry the check.

Update 0.771 (January 8th, 04:57:00 UTC)

-Big updates to the rug checking algorithm this time. Bunny should better account for some longer term data that would pre-empt a rug.
-Updated Bunny to react positively or negatively to the rug based on the score.

Update 0.737 (January 8th, 02:00:00 UTC)

-Upgraded rug checking algorithm yet again, it should more accurately account for shorter term market movements when determining the rug chance. This seems to have increased accuracy even further.

Update 0.722 (January 7th, 23:25:00 UTC)

-Upgraded rug checking algorithm another time, it's definitely more accurate now, still a work in progress.

Update 0.713 (January 7th, 20:55:00 UTC)

-Upgraded rug checking algorithm again, more updates to it later today
-Added colors to the rug chance text based on probability, higher rug chance makes red text, yellow for inbetween, and green for low rug chance
-Added liquidity burnt percent to the analyzer.